Reejig's Work Ontology™ Awarded 2023 Top HR Tech Product of the Year


Supplier Code of Conduct

Reejig Pty Ltd (we, our, or us) is committed to sourcing goods and services in a responsible, fair and sustainable manner. Our Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) describes the minimum expectations we have for our Suppliers in the areas of:

  • ethical conduct;
  • conflicts of interest;
  • anti-bribery and corruption;
  • data protection and confidentiality;
  • human rights;
  • freedom of association;
  • workplace health and safety;
  • diversity and inclusion; and
  • environmental sustainability.

We advise that all of our existing and future Suppliers read and ensure that they meet the minimum requirements as set out in this Code in order to establish and maintain a business relationship with us.

Ethical Conduct

We expect our Suppliers to conduct business in a manner that is fair, honest, respectful and lawful, with a commitment to ensuring a high standard of transparency, disclosure and audit integrity in relation to its business activities and performance. This includes ensuring that assets, property, information and position are used only for authorised and legitimate business purposes and are not misused for personal gain. Suppliers should also ensure that a whistle-blower policy or mechanism is in place to protect staff or other persons who raise concerns in good faith.

Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest arises when an individual has a private/personal interest which could influence their decisions. Examples of a conflict of interest include a relationship by blood or marriage, partnership, business relationship, business partnership or investment. We expect our Suppliers to disclose to us and avoid or appropriately manage any actual or potential conflicts of interests of which it is or becomes aware of.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

We expect our Suppliers to work against all forms of corruption including bribery, extortion, personal or improper advantage, whether direct or indirect through a third party such as a supplier or contractor. The Supplier must comply with all national and international anti-bribery regulations as well as applicable anti-corruption laws, regulations and standards.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

We expect our Suppliers to maintain confidentiality and privacy of information entrusted by us and our stakeholders (such as employees and clients), except where disclosure is authorised. Suppliers should comply with all applicable privacy laws as well as secure data against unauthorised access or use in accordance with industry security standards.

Human Rights

Reejig supports the protection of human rights and is guided by fundamental principles such as those contained in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We have a zero tolerance approach to all forms of modern slavery including child and forced labour. We expect our Suppliers to provide fair and appropriate pay, benefits and working conditions for their employees and comply with all applicable national laws and mandatory industry standards regarding working hours, overtime, wages and benefits.

Freedom of Association

We expect our Suppliers to respect the right for freedom of association and allow its employees the freedom to join or not to join a union/employee representation of their choice, free from threat or intimidation. Worker representatives should not be discriminated against and should be able to carry out their representative function in the workplace.

Workplace Health & Safety

We expect our Suppliers to provide a safe and healthy working environment for their employees and to mitigate health and safety risks as far as reasonably practicable. There should be written health and safety policies and standards in place and appropriate training provided to employees.

Diversity and Inclusion

We expect our Suppliers to provide a workplace free from harassment, discrimination and bullying, whether on the basis of gender, age, disability, ethnicity or cultural affiliation, sexual orientation, belief, educational background or any other basis prohibited by applicable law. There should be a commitment from the Supplier to providing a fair working environment where all employees are respected by their colleagues, including their superiors.

Environmental Sustainability

We expect our Suppliers to demonstrate compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and relevant international standards. Suppliers should have an effective environmental policy and/or environmental management system in place and seek opportunities to improve the environmental performance of their goods and services.

Compliance with this Policy

We are aware that some suppliers will not be able to meet all of these requirements all of the time. Our focus is on ensuring that our values are aligned and that our Suppliers are committed to continuously improving their practises in order to meet the minimum standards outlined in this Code. We encourage our Suppliers to openly talk to us about any issues or concerns. If a supplier is unable or unwilling to meet our minimum standards, we may choose to end the relationship at our discretion subject to contractual obligations.


This Code is subject to review and amendment.

Last updated: 14 September 2021

Feedback and Concerns

If you have any questions or feedback on this Code, or if you have a genuine concern about improper conduct (whether in relation to a Reejig employee or a Reejig supplier) and would like to make a confidential report, please contact us at